Monday, 31 May 2010

Website About To Launch..


  1. Hey, Dewi!--

    Looks like we have something in common: the launch of a new website very soon! Will be eagerly awaiting yours, too. Best wishes for smoothness and exhilarating creative vibes!


  2. Abby it's your -Big Launch Day- today..! I just visited the brand new website. You have delivered something amazing!I bet you already have recieved tons of positive reactions on it. Congratulations! I guess I'm gonna sign up right away ;D


  3. Thank you so much Robin;D I can't wait either.. Still a lot I need to do, but it will be worth the wait, definitely!

  4. Congratulations on the launch of your website...I have also tagged you for a meme called 'Happy 101' please visit my blog for all the details, Cheers, Lil

  5. Hi Lil, it's nice to meet you and thank you for tagging me! I will check on your blog:)and find out more. Have a nice day:) Dewi
